Régine Feltkamp
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- German
Régine Feltkamp has a broad business law expertise but particularly focusses on regulated businesses (energy sector, banking/finance sector). Lately she focusses on the digital transition projects in regulated industries (energy sector / finance sector).
Besides the matters typically related to the legal frameworks applicable to these sectors, her work is related to matters of contract, liability, general business and corporate law.
Régine has a longstanding experience in drafting, negotiating and counselling on various types of business agreements and in managing (international) multiparty contract negotiations (including legal project management). Over the past year she has been closely involved in the European market coupling projects in the energy sector connecting TSOs and NEMOs throughout Europe.
Régine has also participated in the drafting of various laws and regulations in her practice areas, amongst which laws related to the energy sector as well as the Belgian Code of Economic Law commissioned by the Belgian Ministry of Economy.
Régine is professor at law at the Free University of Brussels where she teaches the lectures Financial and Economic Law and Selected topics of contract law. She was appointed for the lectures of Principles of private law (2007-18), Law on property & real collateral (2009 -12) and for a remplacement for Financial and Monetary Law (2014-16).
- Law degree (Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1995)
- Master degree Business Law (Université Libre de Bruxelles 1997)
- Doctorate degree (PhD) with dissertation on the assignment of receivables) (Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2004)
- Lawyer at the Brussels Bar since 1998 (Coudert Brothers LLP, Coopens Van Ommeslaghe & Faurès (2005); Eubelius (2007); R.R. Feltkamp Advocatenkantoor (since 2007) participating in Modo advocaten (2011-20) and now in Ariga (since 2021)
- De prijs van onwil, kippenvel en eerlijke schaamte (2)
- Economic Law and income inequality: competition, regulation and the firm. What role for the European Union?
- Code rood voor het privaatrecht
- Reeks publicaties: Boek 6 Burgerlijk Wetboek "Buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid" onder de duurzaamheidsloep
- A sustainable future: competition law as a tool and a distraction
- Mandatory Exnovation Measures and the Freedom to Conduct a Business
- Het kwaad bij de wortel aangepakt? Bespreking van Tim Bleeker, Milieuaansprakelijkheid van leidinggevenden, Wolters Kluwer, 2021, 559p.
- A la recherche d’un modèle économique et d’un système juridique respectueux de la planète et de ses habitants, synthèse commentée de “Rethinking capitalism", RED 04, 2022
- Environmental liability of executives in business context
- What is wrong with corporate law? The purpose of law and the law of purpose
- Quel droit privé pour une société durable : question nécessaire, aberration ou litanie idéologique ?
- Climat et éducation : pour une refonte des cursus des étudiants en droit
- Een gemeenrechtelijke regeling inzake onrechtmatige bedingen: (g)een valabel substituut voor de B2B-wet?
- L. Cornelis - Ook in het burgerlijk procesrecht blijft de openbare orde aan zet. Bespreking van F. Dupon, De rol en de betekenis van de openbare orde in het burgerlijk procesrecht. Een zwanenzang
- Le contrat utile, juste et durable garantit-il la protection de la biosphère ? Compte-rendu et réflexions critiques suscités par P. Lequet, L’ordre public environnemental et le contrat de droit privé
- Boeken 1 en 5 van het nieuwe BW : meer van hetzelfde voor rechtspersonen en vennootschappen?
- Le droit privé au service d’une société durable : rêve ou réalité démocratique ?
- Le droit des marchés publics face aux ambitions d’une prospérité sans croissance
- Les revirements jurisprudentiels cachent-ils une prise de contrôle du pouvoir politique ?
- Reclame : zondige verlokking in een schapenvacht ?
- Bescherming van klimaat, biodiversiteit en ecosystemen middels subjectieve rechten
- L. Cornelis (Re)faire la loi! Le message de A. Flückiger
- Les entreprises ont-elles une âme?
- Uitnodiging tot kennisname van S. Kelton, The deficit myth. Modern monetary theory and how to build a better economy
- Boek 1 Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (algemeen deel): zoektocht naar oplossingen voor een privaatrecht op maat van de hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen
- Ordre public et démocratie.
"provides 'high-quality advice within a short time frame and at a very reasonable cost' in the energy sector. It regularly advises on energy transition and digital transformation projects, and attracts praise for providing 'added value for legal services covering a combination of information technology and energy matters'. Practice head Régine Feltkamp, who focuses on transactional and advisory matters, is highlighted as 'a good strategist and negotiator'
‘Thanks to a combination of the senior and junior resources the customer benefits from the deliverables with very high professional standards for a reasonable cost.’
"specialists do not only bring deep legal expertise in multi-client projects, but they also facilitate challenging legal negotiations among clients and the suppliers with the focus on the efficient process for reaching goals defined by the business interest of the clients.‘